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Fall Cleaning – Tips to Keeping Your Home Organized All Year Long

3 Simple Steps To Keeping Your Home Organized All Year Long

Spring cleaning has become a common phrase. It involves going through every nook and cranny of your home, both indoors and outdoors, to clear the clutter, pack away the winter, and open your house up to the beauty of spring. For many it can feel like coming out of hibernation and waking up to a new year.


If you are in charge of the cleaning at your house, you will probably agree that doing everything just once a year is a huge project. It means that things start to build up in stacks and piles, especially in the fall when back-to-school season initiates new routines for everyone in the household. It also makes holiday cleaning quite a chore. For these reasons, I also implement a “fall cleaning” every year, usually after the kids start back to school. By doing this, I am keeping my home organized year round instead of just during the spring. Thankfully, you can alleviate all that stress by implementing a simple three-step fall cleaning routine.

1: Switching our closet/wardrobe

Fall is the time to put the summer clothes away and pull out the more cozy options. Especially if you have kids who are growing quickly, you know that their current warm weather clothes won’t fit them come spring. Pack these clothes away or take them to a local donation drop off now. This will keep closets less cluttered and feel more open throughout the cooler months. It will also allow you to feel on top of your fashion choices so that you don’t accidentally leave home in a sundress in the middle of November.

2: Bedding and Home decor changes and storage.home organized

You can really embrace the fall by embracing the decor of the season. Put a warmer comforter or fleece sheets on the beds, tone down wall hangings to more natural colors, and fill your home with seasonal scents like apple and pumpkin. Just like you can appreciate spring for the florals and sunshine, you can relax into the natural feelings of fall to create a pleasant home atmosphere.

3: Embrace Fall Cleaning like you would Spring Cleaning.

We use the change of the season as an excuse to feel on top of things. This feeling leaves you more happy, productive, and confident with the state of your home. While spring is a time to get outdoors and enjoy the sunshine, fall is a great time to cozy up indoors. Use this as a great reason to do the most “cozy” cleaning activities that you’ve been putting off. If it involved staying indoors, you can do it now to save yourself the burden come spring.

By doing these three simple things in the fall, you set yourself up for a better year ahead. The holidays will feel like less of a burden, especially if you are hosting a large group. Spring cleaning will also mean getting outside and doing the chores that it is too chilly to do in the fall, making it feel more seasonal and less like an undesirable chore.

Sara Skillen is a Certified Professional Organizer and the Owner of SkillSet Organizing.


Thank you Sara for the excellent guest post!
And as always if you have any questions or need anything real estate related give us a call at 615-310-8661 or email us at lisa@nashvilleonthemarket.com
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