If you are one of the many downtown Franklin residents who literally live on the “other side of the tracks” there is good news about new pedestrian access for walking and biking. The roughly 4,000 square feet from Pinkerton Park to Mack Hatcher has been approved for a multimodal trail which will open up walking and biking options for the residents on the east side of highway 96. The project will roughly cost 102,000.00 and is 30% complete. With Harlinsdale Farm becoming a huge venue, many Franklin residents are eagerly anticipating this easy access option for getting around Franklin.
So get your walking shoes on, bikes geared up, and lets hit the trail coming soon in Franklin! We will be checking it out – and will give you an update when it is complete!
P.S. If you want to live in Franklin, TN let us know – we would love to help!